From the guy who once accidentally told a sixth grade class he was “really, really hard”

You might remember that last year I accidentally told my class, in Korean, that I was “really, really hard” and pretty much the rest of my day was spent deflecting 6 grade questions as to why.  The word for hard and smart sounded really similar in Korean.

Anyways, a few days ago I was teaching one of my high school writing classes.  Everything was going swell and I felt comfortable enough to sit on my desk.  This is my favorite place to sit.

I felt a slight itch on the back of my leg, just an inch or so above the knee area.

Now, I know it is terrible manners to scratch oneself around the groin region in public, even if it itches really, really bad.  AND if it itches really, really bad you might have bigger problems…but I digress.

Since the itch was just an inch or so above the knee area I felt there was no harm.  So I scratched my leg while I continued to talk.  Just a slight scratch also, as i think excessively scratching any part of your body in public is kind of bad manners.  However, about ten seconds later I noticed two of the girls, sitting in the front row, staring at me scratching the back of my leg just above my knee.  Their mouths were agape and a look of curious confusion crossed both their faces.

Keep in mind this is only ONE INCH above my knee!

So, you know, thanks for the compliment and all girls…but not quite.

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